Datacenter in Ukraine
The most of our facilities located at commercial datacenter «Freehost» in Kiev. The datacenter matches level TIER2+. Below you can find some facts about datacenter and see what exactly allow us to deliver you premium quality services.
SERVERS: Supermicro

Supermicro servers in a rack
NETWORK: best hardware, great connectivity

Aggregation switches HP ProCurve & border router Juniper.
«Top of Rack» switches: Extreme Networks.
100% network uptime delivered by 3 independent upstream providers: Cogent, Datagroup, Topnet.
ELECTRICITY: no chance for outage

Two independent inputs (EACH 600 KILOWATT) from different stations with dedicated electricity transformer substation.
COOLING: 20°С/68°F anytime

Thoroughly selected cooling system with high performance outside chillers. Allows to keep temperature in server rooms at the level of 20°С/68°F anytime of year.
FIRE EXTINGUISHING: data safety in any situation

In case of fire gas fire extunguishing system allows to extuinguish fire quickly, keep all hardware dry, extremely speed up recovery after fire and guarantee data safety even in case of fire.
SECURITY: only authorized personal allowed

Multilevel electonic key access system allows not only restrict access to server rooms for authorized personal, but also allow to control who was and where at a certain time.
Datacenter in Netherlands
Data Center Serverius - data center in the Netherlands
The Serverius data center network is located in the Netherlands and is represented by two data centers.
Data Center Serverius DC1 is located in Dronten,
Data Center Serverius DC2 is located in Meppel.
Data Centers are equipped with reliable power supply, backup power sources, generators.
An industrial air conditioning system with a division into hot and cold corridors maintains the required temperature in the server area.
Dozens of Internet channels are represented by many providers, which ensures their greater capacity and access to all major traffic exchange points: AMSIX, DECIX and many others.
The data center has reliable security with perimeter protection with an electric fence and an access control system.
Data Centers meet the TIER 3 reliability level.

«COLD CORRIDOR». Each cabinet has its own key.

Firewall NETASQ. Optical Switch Module HP. Netgear Switch.

The pressure gauge shows the pressure in the gas tank.
Datacenter in USA
QuadraNet's Los Angeles location features over 60,000 square feet of privately-owned and operated datacenter space, all located inside the Telecom Center building. Adjacent to One Wilshire (one of the world's most connected buildings), the Telecom Center has been home to QuadraNet since 2004. Datacenter spaces feature Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPS), CRAC units, and independent distribution routers. Bandwidth capacity exceeds 250 gigabits/second, providing for virtually unlimited scalability. QuadraNet's Los Angeles datacenter is SSAE16 SOC2 certified.
Use the following data center IP addresses to test Ping and Traceroute results to Data Center:
Ping/Traceroute Test IPv4:
Ping/Traceroute Test IPv6: 2607:fcd0:0:a::2

UPS & ATS Protected

Data Center Telehouse - data center in Germany
Data Center Telehouse is located in Germany in Frankfurt.
Telehouse Frankfurt is connected to the second largest Internet Exchange Point in Europe – DE-CIX, which is the world's leading platform for interconnection.
The data center security system meets modern requirements.
Security systems use an on-site access authorization program, a biometric access control system (ACS), a 24-hour control center with 24-hour security personnel.
Telehouse uses two independent power sources, which are connected to two separate substations. In combination with its own uninterruptible power supply systems and emergency generators, Telehouse ensures the highest level of trouble-free operation and reliability.
The data center is equipped with a backup air conditioning and cooling system, an active inertial fire extinguishing system.
Telehouse Frankfurt complies with the Tier 3 classification.

Telehouse Frankfurt


Electrical supply and equipment

Gas tanks
What is the purpose of the data center?
For most Ukrainian companies, the «data center» term is new, but modern technologies specialists more and more often use the services of data center server rental. Competent IT specialists perfectly understand what a data center is, but this term raises a lot of different questions for managers and ordinary people.
So, a data center is a specialized place for storing and processing data, which hosts server and network support of organizations.
With the development of IT technologies, information is often being stolen and hacker attacks happen, so data center Ukraine is useful for the vast number of companies, the activities of which directly depend on the uninterrupted processing of information. Data center hosting will help to protect information from possible data loss.
There is an opinion that such data centers are only useful for big companies. In fact, there is a tendency to exploit the data center server by developing companies, especially if they have foreign investments.
What services does the data center provide?
In fact, the commercial data center provides services to ensure the reliability and safety of any type of computer information. It’s a high-tech protected platform that can’t be developed by most of the companies to provide the appropriate conditions for the proper work of the device. This implies the availability of free space, the complexity of building fault-tolerant and reliable engineering infrastructure, and so on.
The main services include:
- hosting;
- data center rack rental;
- colocation;
- data center server rental.
The data center in Kiev often has all the necessary conditions for uninterrupted life support of the system. Moreover, there are additional data center services, such as data duplicate and other services that are paid separately.
Data center: financial aspect
Until recently, companies allocated funds to create their own data centers. However, the economic crisis has changed this situation, and IT budgets have been reviewed. Most companies refused to create their own data centers, entrusting the server maintenance to outsourcing centers. It’s noteworthy that the commercial data center market is growing rapidly, that’s why the number of centers is also increasing. Given this trend, it won’t be difficult to buy data center location for the server in Kiev. Today, this service can be purchased in one click.
Very often, a data center rental is the sum of the traffic tariff plan and the number of units. The server availability factor is also important. For example, the data center pricing for a unit rental is stipulated. However, the electricity consumed is paid according to the energy supplier’s tariffs, taking into account the PUE = 1.65 coefficient.
In most cases, companies are not ready to equip their own premises where the server would be located. Many companies can’t simply afford it, because their own data center cost is measured by a 3-5-year rental of the appropriate number of racks — a substantial amount of funds must be allocated if we talk about medium and small companies, so they benefit from the outsourcing data service center.