Website relocation

Website relocation

Hosting Rent - Deltahost Hosting solutions Website relocation

Website transfer is a relatively simple task, which, in most cases, takes less than half an hour. So, let’s imagine, that you already have a working website available in the Internet or a local version that is ready for publication. With the search for a new virtual server (VPS), you completed and decided to use our site hosting services. Let’s make a small checklist, in other words — a list of actions that must be performed to transfer the site:

  • create an archive of your site files on the old server or hosting
  • create a copy of the database (dump / dump) of the existing site
  • transfer archive files and database to a new server in any convenient way
  • unzip the files to the directory of the new site and import the database
  • check the site connection to the database. Make changes to the CMS settings if necessary
  • change DNS records to the IP address of the new server
  • if it is an existing, and not a new site — set up redirection to the new server from the old one, since changes in DNS records can be applied up to 72 hours.

But what to do if you are not very knowledgeable in the field of web-technologies and all the above actions sound incomprehensible? Do not worry, our technical support specialists will be happy to advise you and help with the transfer.

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