Creating your own online project, whether it is a one-page website, an online store or a news website, the following question immediately arises in the head of the owner: which hosting is better to choose for the website? And here, as in many other questions, there cannot be one universal answer that would be suitable for everyone. It all depends on different criteria that have to be considered when choosing. If you create your website “from scratch”, the best option for hosting may be the cheapest tariff plan offered by the provider. As it moves forward, the number of visitors increases, you can transfer it to a more functional tariff. This will save money at the beginning of the promotion and allow using it more rationally.
The service provider’s support specialists will always help you choose the most optimal hosting option for you that meets your current needs.
Criteria for choosing a hosting

You indicate your own priorities in the work of the website only after the start of its work. Therefore, the most important of them are:
- Type of portal. This choice determines most of the characteristics. Naturally, the more operations are performed on the website, the greater the productivity of the portal will ensure its smooth operation. For an online store, for example, low performance may be enough, and websites for downloading large files will require a VPS or a dedicated server.
- The load. This element depends directly on the number of visitors, therefore, it is impossible to predict this figure for a beginner website at the initial stage. If you own such a website, you can see all the numbers from the provider’s report. In any case, at the initial stage of promotion, this is the criterion that might help easily save money.
- Volume. Responsible for the storage of website content. The sooner they are replenished, the more volume in the future will be needed for storage. One-page websites will need minimum storage while news websites will need an increasing volume.
- Platform. It does not matter which hosting to choose for a website created on Wordpress. The platform is popular being supported by providers without restriction as are websites created on other platforms: uKit, Wix, uCoz, Webasyst, Diafan, Cloud Which hosting to choose for an online store?
Today, most users pay close attention to creating their own online stores. Of course, it’s convenient to sell and buy without leaving your home. Even such bulky and expensive in storing items as furniture, household appliances, building materials are sold well on the internet.

If you are an owner of any business trying to transfer it to virtual space, in your head there will immediately arise a question: which hosting is better?
The main criterion for the online store will be the smooth operation of the website. Since the main increase of purchases (namely, weekends and holidays) coincides with the rush hour of all hosters without exception, this issue will have to be considered in advance. Even at the very initial stage of promotion, to ensure the smooth operation of the website, you need to choose a well-proven hosting. How to do this in practice? We will help you by identifying the main points that affect your choice:
- Good operation of customer support. This element can be compared among various hosting companies even before signing a contract for the provision of services. The higher the qualifications of the employees of the provider, the easier it will be for you to get comprehensive and quick information on all emerging issues, and there will be a lot of them in the process. Therefore, the speed, availability and professionalism of specialists is a trump card in favor of choosing a hosting.
- Daily backup of the website. You will mention this criterion with a kind word in the event of any unforeseen situation. It will be especially useful at the very beginning of the promotion. For an online store with a constantly updated assortment and customer base, rarer copying of information is not suitable.
- Uptime of the hosting. Its volume directly affects the uninterrupted operation declared by the hoster. Comparing this indicator in several companies, we can understand how much it corresponds to reality.
- Control panel. It is easiest for beginners to appreciate this advantage. If at the initial stage you understand most of the functions without additional explanation, then the intuitively understandable panel will not cause you any trouble in the future.
- Server location in data centers with a high level of security. DeltaHost servers are located in TIER2 + and TIER3 class data centers in Ukraine, Russia, Europe and the USA. This is DeltaHost’s own modern equipment providing high uptime and daily backup.
Which hosting to choose for a blog or news website
Before you get puzzled by the selection of the best hosting, let’s find out the basic concepts in this matter. In fact, hosting means the services of a server where a certain number of foreign websites are hosted access to which is open to all users of the World Wide Web.
The development of the internet has also led to the rapid growth of hosting companies which has made this market area very competitive as well as the choice of a regular website owner not easy.

Statistics show that the owners of blogs and news websites first are inclined towards choosing free hosting, thus deciding to save. But in this case, this is definitely a wrong decision. Even at the initial stage of filling the website, it usually generates unique content.
Free hosting is not by its nature such. They just compensate their investments from other sources. For website owners, they play a negative role. Let’s take a look at the most important disadvantages of free hosting:
- an abundance of advertising banners for which you do not get a penny;
- sponsored links, often of dubious content;
- constantly pop-up active windows annoying any visitor including you;
- small volume and productivity of the website. You will evaluate this negative criterion as the website fills with content;
- low level of promotion in the ranking which is associated with the assignment of a third-rate domain to your website.
For a news website, we recommend choosing a server that will withstand the ever-increasing flow of visitors. This indicator is not available for free hosting. The best option would be a dedicated server that is responsible for the operation of only your website without any additional neighbors. If you own several websites, renting such a server from the host will pay off several times faster.
If you have any doubts about which hosting to choose for your blog, use the offer from the company with a trial period. During the testing of the tariff which will last a certain time, you will be able to evaluate in practice the quality and level of this service.
For all your questions, now you can receive qualified answers from specialists of our company. Here you will be provided with complete information and get help in choosing a tariff that suits your needs.